expectation of privacy

美 [ˌekspekˈteɪʃn əv ˈpraɪvəsi]英 [ˌekspekˈteɪʃn ɒv ˈprɪvəsi]
  • 隐私期待
expectation of privacyexpectation of privacy
  1. You have to get used to the idea that there is no expectation of privacy .


  2. There 's no reasonable expectation of privacy in that situation , is there ?


  3. But others say this violates and expectation of privacy .


  4. Employees have a low expectation of privacy when they go to work , and companies are doing more and more monitoring .


  5. Hilda Canes Garduno , a 37-year-old resident of Fairfax , Va. , says she has no expectation of privacy as a project manager for the federal government .


  6. Mr. Rotenberg says these two kinds of services should be kept separate . MARC ROTENBERG : " By trying to combine these two services , in our view , Google is actually undermining a very well established expectation of privacy , particularly for popular Internet services like electronic mail . "


  7. Most states have single-party consent laws concerning audio recording , meaning that as long as one party consents to being recorded , the taping is legal . In most of the 12 states in which all parties must consent to be recorded , a violation occurs only if the subjects being recorded have a reasonable expectation of privacy .
